Dr. Ayman Jabbar
A consultant Paediatrician, started his clinical paediatric career in Baghdad, Iraq, more than 25 years ago, after having been awarded the Arab Board in paediatrics and then the MRCP (UK) in Paediatrics from London UK. Dr. Ayman was a senior lecturer at the Baghdad College of Medicine, one of the oldest colleges in the region. He worked in Iraq and other countries like Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and in various reputable hospitals and centres in Dubai. This huge cumulative experience was the base of his busy paediatric clinical practice in Dubai for the past 17 years. His main interest is daily paediatric problems, like viral and bacterial fevers; respiratory problems like cough, wheezing, asthma; allergies, various skin rashes, headaches, abdominal pains, growth, nutrition, immunizations, diarrheas, vomiting, and others.Dr. Ayman believes that careful listening to the sick baby`s Mum is the shortest way to reach the right diagnosis.