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Parents Back to School Stress: How to Deal with It?

Children tend to get a little anxious about going back to school. Others are anxious about their first day ever at school. And there will be signs that your child is stressed about this. Naturally, this will make you just as stressed and nervous. So, how can you help your child? And how can we, ...
The Transformative Power of Midwifery-Led Birth

For centuries, midwives have played a central role in supporting women through the journey of pregnancy and childbirth. Midwifery-led care is a model that places these highly skilled professionals at the center, providing continuous, personalized care throughout the perinatal period. The Cochrane review cited found that Midwifery care resulted in significant improvements in rates of ...
Preventing Obesity During Pregnancy: How to Do It?

Obesity is an overall worldwide issue. And while it can cause many complications during a pregnancy. It is never advised to follow a strict diet to lose weight when pregnant. That is mainly because a strict diet can be bad for either you or your baby. So, how to handle obesity during pregnancy? We will ...