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Parents Back to School Stress: How to Deal with It?

Children tend to get a little anxious about going back to school. Others are anxious about their first day ever at school. And there will be signs that your child is stressed about this. Naturally, this will make you just as stressed and nervous. So, how can you help your child? And how can we, ...
The Transformative Power of Midwifery-Led Birth

For centuries, midwives have played a central role in supporting women through the journey of pregnancy and childbirth. Midwifery-led care is a model that places these highly skilled professionals at the center, providing continuous, personalized care throughout the perinatal period. The Cochrane review cited found that Midwifery care resulted in significant improvements in rates of ...
Preventing Obesity During Pregnancy: How to Do It?

Obesity is an overall worldwide issue. And while it can cause many complications during a pregnancy. It is never advised to follow a strict diet to lose weight when pregnant. That is mainly because a strict diet can be bad for either you or your baby. So, how to handle obesity during pregnancy? We will ...
Top Tips for Mums Looking to Get Fit!

Hello Mumz! I am Charlotte from F45 Training Downtown Dubai. I have been in the fitness industry for over 5 years, helping women and mums alike to find themselves again. I also have a little delightful monster of my own, so I know exactly how hard it can be physically, mentally and emotionally. This is ...

Concerned about pain and anxiety during childbirth? Discover hypnobirthing! Learn self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques for a smoother, more comfortable labor experience. Find out how hypnobirthing can help you stay calm and in control. What is Hypnobirthing? Hypnobirthing is a childbirth technique that emphasizes self-hypnosis and relaxation to reduce pain, anxiety, and fear during labor and ...
Mindfulness for Summer: A Guide for Moms

We can’t believe summer is almost here! The prospect of endless summer days filled with sunshine, blue skies, and lazy afternoons is irresistible. However, these precious moments tend to fly by in the blink of an eye. To ensure you and your kids make the most of your summer break, we’re advocating for mindfulness this ...
New year, new blender: Top 10 blenders in 2024

Buying home appliances is not a random process. For example, when buying a blender, there are many things to take into consideration such as size, use, and budget. Eitherway, worry not. Because we prepared the ultimate guide to choosing the best blenders in 2024!  How to choose the right blender for me?  To do, you ...
How to Write a Resolution that Can Stick

How many of us have woken up on New Year’s Day with that exact attitude. We start out strong in the first couple of months, but then as the months pass we start to fall off the wagon. The excitement of the new year dies down, and we slowly go back to our old habits. ...
All You Need to Know about Breast Cancer

Navigating the complexities of women's health requires a knowledgeable and compassionate approach, and OB-GYNs play a crucial role in this journey. We aim to provide insightful answers to your questions regarding breast cancer, drawing on the specialized knowledge of OB-GYNs who are at the forefront of women's healthcare. Whether you're seeking information on prevention, early ...
Your Ultimate Guide to Buying a Car Seat in Dubai

As mums, our first and most important job is to protect our little ones. This job starts when we choose a safe car seat for our kids since birth. But still, why are car seats so important? How to choose the best car seat for my child? And what are the mistakes I should avoid ...