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Refusing to go to school: how to help your child

Many children go through phases of not wanting to go to school (Sunday morning struggle, anyone?) but regularly refusing school or going to extremes to avoid attending can indicate a major issue Truanting is, in itself, a serious matter; if your child is failing to turn up on a regular basis, you could be faced ...
How to make mixed feeding work for you

Mixed feeding means combining breastfeeding with bottle feeding. It’s sometimes known as ‘combined feeding’ or ‘partial breastfeeding’ and involves replacing one or more breastfeeds with bottle feeds instead. And, while the prospect of an uninterrupted night’s sleep may be enough to convince you it’s a good idea, mothers who opt to mixed feed do so ...
How to Survive Journeys with Kids

Travelling with children can be a hard slog. Yes, it'll all be worth it once you get there. But it might not feel like that when, a mere 40 minutes into the trip, you've got an inconsolable four-year-old, and only one wet wipe and half a packet of cheese and onion crisps left. Such incidents ...
How to Keep Babies and Children Safe in the Sun

Bright sunlight and heat will not only make babies ratty, but it could also seriously damage their skin. A good sunscreen will help protect your child from both UVA and UVB rays, but that's not the only thing which will keep them safe in the sun. Whether you're heading abroad this summer or holding out ...
10 Best Films to Watch with Your Toddlers

Watching television with children is not as bad as parents would think if it is done right. If you watch selected films and shows in moderation, it can actually be very good for your kids. And many parents ask "what films to watch with my toddler?". We have the answers here!  1. Curious George Running ...
Letting your child go out alone

Few issues in parenting bring such a broad range of views than the thorny question of how old your child needs to be before you let him or her out of your sight for the first time. And it's true: on the Talk boards, some Mumsnetters describe cheerfully waving off five and six year olds to play ...
Video games and children’s safety

The main issue for parents with gaming-mad children (or just occasional dabblers) is that the devices which play games can connect to the internet and therefore can be played online. This means the same online safety rules that apply to internet use, such as social networking, should also apply to gaming ie your children should not disclose ...
Children and social networking sites

Social networking is a massive part of early 21st century culture. If we're all on Mumsnet, Facebook and Twitter all the time, how much bigger must it figure in the lives of our children, who have never known a world without it? Facebook says the minimum age for someone to start a profile is 13, ...
Top tips for flying with a toddler

Flying with a toddler this summer? Mumsnetters have clocked up plenty of air miles with toddlers in tow. Here's what they've learned. Shop travel essentials 1. It all begins with the bag of surprises "Buy several small items, wrap them individually and produce one when you need a new distraction. Bear in mind that security can be strict ...