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Parents Back to School Stress: How to Deal with It?

Children tend to get a little anxious about going back to school. Others are anxious about their first day ever at school. And there will be signs that your child is stressed about this. Naturally, this will make you just as stressed and nervous. So, how can you help your child? And how can we, ...
Preventing Obesity During Pregnancy: How to Do It?

Obesity is an overall worldwide issue. And while it can cause many complications during a pregnancy. It is never advised to follow a strict diet to lose weight when pregnant. That is mainly because a strict diet can be bad for either you or your baby. So, how to handle obesity during pregnancy? We will ...
Top 10 Lego Toys to Get for Your Kids

All children love Lego toys. They are fun, they take up a lot of time, and they help develop their skills. Therefore, Lego toys are probably the best kind of toys you can get your kids. They are both educational, beneficial, and very entertaining at the same time. Here are the top 10 Lego toys ...
How to Choose the Right Summer Camp for Your Child

As summer approaches, moms start looking for the best ways to keep their children engaged, providing them with a fun and enriching experience. Summer camps are one of the best options to achieve this goal. In this article, we will help you choose the perfect summer camp for your child, focusing on providing a fun ...
How to Talk to Children About Conflict: A Guide for Mumz

In times of conflict, Mumz often find themselves facing a daunting challenge: explaining the complexities of conflicts to their children. It's a conversation laden with emotions and difficult questions, but it's also an opportunity for growth, understanding, and connection. In this guide, we'll navigate this sensitive topic, offering you some age-appropriate approaches to help engage ...
How to Build Expat Kids’ Social Skills and Improve It?

Expat families always find it hard to build friendships and social connections. Being away from family and friends is not easy. And sometimes you are not as motivated to build new social relationships when you live abroad. That applies to expat kids more than adults. But it is not a good idea for them to ...
Back to School Essentials: Chosen by Holly, a Mum of 4

Buying back to school essentials can be a little overwhelming. Especially if you have more than one child heading back to school. Mums usually love to rely on their fellow mums to learn what to get. Holly, a mum of four, has plenty of experience on the matter. And she shares with us, through Mumz ...
Pregnancy Hemorrhoids: Is It Really that Scary?

When being pregnant, many concerns surface and start eating you up. While most of these concerns are regarding the baby, others are about you and your health. One of the most common concerns pregnant mums face are pregnancy hemorrhoids. In this article, we will answer every question regarding them to put your mind at ease.  ...