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Preventing Obesity During Pregnancy: How to Do It?

Preventing Obesity During Pregnancy: How to Do It?

Obesity is an overall worldwide issue. And while it can cause many complications during a pregnancy. It is never advised to follow a strict diet to lose weight when pregnant. That is mainly because a strict diet can be bad for either you or your baby. So, how to handle obesity during pregnancy? We will answer you here. 

Obesity During Pregnancy: How to Stay Healthy? 

First of all, we must note that it is very important to consult with a nutritionist during your pregnancy. Following a diet without consultation can majorly drop your sugar levels. Which would negatively affect your unborn baby. In addition, pregnant mums need many vitamins and supplements. So, following a certain diet can deprive you of your body to be strong and healthy. Keep in mind, you do not have to have a specific diet program during your pregnancy. Eating healthy is more important and you can achieve so easily on your own. 

Moreover, it is normal to gain extra weight during pregnancy. An average woman gains from 11 to 16 kilos when pregnant. That is mostly the weight of your baby, placenta, and other factors. Having said that, overweight mums should not gain more than 7 kilos during their pregnancy. 

How to Eat Healthy to Avoid Obesity During Pregnancy? 

“You are eating for 2 people now, so you got to eat more”. That is one of the worst pieces of advice anyone can give. Pregnant mums do not need to “eat more”, especially during their first trimester. What they need to do is eat healthy and not starve themselves. Their foods should be filled with good nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. All to help pregnant mums carry their babies and stay strong and healthy. 

However, during the second and third trimesters, you will need more energy and calories. That is mainly because your baby is growing, and your metabolism is increasing. When we say more calories, it basically means plus 340 calories tops, not more. In total, a pregnant mum should have around 2200 calories a day. 

In addition, when you increase your calorie intake, it must be from healthy resources. Such as: 

– Healthy proteins. 

To avoid obesity during pregnancy, make sure to have good protein intake throughout the day. Healthy proteins include well-cooked fatless meats, eggs, beans, lentils, and chickpeas. All of these are great sources for iron, zinc and much more to help you and your baby stay healthy.

– Dairy. 

Milk and yogurt are must haves when it comes to pregnant mums’ diets. You should have 3 cups of dairy a day to get all the nutrients you need. Such as calcium, and phosphorus. 

– Fruits. 

Your daily fruit intake should be around 3 pieces of fruit. Also, it is best to eat them whole rather than having fruit juice. Make sure to include fruits that are filled with vitamin C as well. 

– Vegetables. 

Vegetables are a great source of fibers, vitamins and minerals. They also help you prevent constipation. You can have vegetables either raw for a snack or cooked in a meal. 

– Cut down on sugar and fat. 

Finally, it is essential to cut down greatly on foods that are high in sugar and fat. It is ok to slip a piece of chocolate, but make sure not to overdo it. Make sure to replace sugary foods with whole grain healthy alternatives.


Also read A Diet for Breastfeeding Mums to Hit Their Goal Weight