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Today In Pop Culture: Keeping Up With The Kids!

Do you sometimes listen to your kids talking with each other or their friends, mentioning strange phrases and talking about things and people you have never heard of? Have you ever felt just a little uncool for not knowing what is ‘cool’ these days? (Apparently, the word “cool’ is not really cool anymore!). Here is ...
Parenting Tips: A Guide To Instil Empathy In Kids

At Mumzworld, we make sure to bring you the best hacks and parenting tips. So that you can rely on us for all your motherhood related queries. Today's guide is all about instilling empathy in your little one. How soon should you do it. And how does it affect their development? Parenting Tips: Decoding Empathy ...
Living in GCC? Protect Your Children From the Gulf’s Heat

It’s unmistakably here. Overnight, while we all slept comfortably in our beds, we woke up one day and realized that summer had descended quietly but surely to settle in for the next six months. While we are lucky enough to live in a region where air conditioning runs efficiently pretty much everywhere, protecting your child ...