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Crib Accessories that Every Baby Needs

Cribs are essential for every newborn's nursery. But some mums forget that crib accessories are just as important. Here are our favorite picks for those accessories to complete your little angel's bedroom and ensure a good night sleep.  Musical Projector Calm and comfort your little dreamer with the a special musical projector. Those little crib ...
Braxton Hicks: What Every Pregnant Mums Needs to Know

Most pregnant mums experience Braxton Hicks Contractions during their pregnancy. Especially during the first or second trimester. But most mums don’t actually know what Braxton Hicks are or why they feel them. Here answer all your questions on those false labour contractions and more!  What are Braxton Hicks Contractions?  Braxton Hicks Contractions are best described ...
Pregnancy Pain: What Might Be Causing It?

During your pregnancy journey, you might experience all sorts of pain and discomfort. Some of them are common. You can easily tell what causes them or why you feel them. But some of them are not as common or easy to understand. For example, most pregnant mums experience pains, especially near the abdomen. Is it ...
Riding the Tantrum Waves

I can’t think of something that can get under a parent’s skin like their child’s tantrum waves. Whether it happens at home or in public, the underlying feelings are usually the same. Frustration, irritation, anger perhaps, and maybe even shame. Having three boys under the age of three, I get my fair share of tantrums ...
Top 10 Must Have Bakeware for Every Kitchen

As mums, we work hard to provide our families with the best of the best. This includes yummy and healthy home made meals filled with love. And with holiday seasons, you need the best bakeware to make delicious and festive meals for your children and family. That is why we gathered the best top 10 ...
All New Mums Essentials in One Place in Dubai

Are you a new mum? Or a mum to be? Are you struggling with getting everything you need? We bet it can be overwhelming. Most new mums fear that they might forget something they need before their due date. You might think that finding everything you need in place is nearly impossible. But that is ...
Helpful Ways To Navigate Hard Days

Navigating the stress and uncertainty of having balance in our daily routines is challenging enough as it is. But mommy duties can sometimes add more pressure. On those tough days it can feel nearly impossible to tend to your children’s needs, let alone trying to manage your own! It’s important to remember that you’re absolutely ...
Juggling Career and Motherhood: Mumzworld Style

Have you ever made a purchase from Mumzworld? Did you experience great customer service? If so, then you have seen the magic work of this lady and her team. Rachael Abitogun, a mum of three, and the one handling one of the toughest roles there is: Director of Customer Experience. We sat down with Rachael ...
10 Best Christmas Gifts for Your Pregnant Friend

Is your friend pregnant for the first time? For sure she is happy, excited, nervous, and overwhelmed. Sometimes she is all that so she forgets herself a little. And that is why you need to be by her side. Both your advice and suggestions will be priceless to her. So, help her out by getting ...