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Top Tips for Successful Home Schooling

With the spread of Covid-19 and the safety of children and teachers being paramount, schools have taken to distance to best avoid further disruption of the school year. Although distance learning has been around for several years and is followed by many universities and other educational institutions around the world, its use to make up ...
Teach your kids budgeting: Here is how to start!

Teaching your kids to budget is paramount to raising financially literate adults. Most adults who make the wisest financial decisions these days have attributed their sound choices to lessons they learned growing up. Therefore, an essential part of your kids' education is financial literacy. There is, in fact, no age limit to this as you ...
What are phonics and how can I help my child learn them?

As your child starts school (or during preschool), you’ll hear phonics come up in relation to learning English, reading, writing, speaking and alphabet knowledge. However, do you know what phonics are and their importance? Do you know how to help your child develop their awareness of phonics? Do you know how they fit into a ...
How to Choose Books to Help Develop Your Child’s Reading Skills

Before your child can develop good reading skills, they first need to develop good speaking and communication skills. Speaking and conversation come before reading, so speak with your child, about everything and anything. Ensure they have lots of real-world exposure that builds their language knowledge (vocabulary) for example, visit a gallery and talk about the ...
Get your kids involved with “Breast Cancer Awareness”

As a mum, I am sure you know someone who had an experience with breast cancer one way or another. Be it that they themselves were diagnosed or perhaps someone they care about. Sadly, it’s not uncommon, which is why it’s really important to help raise awareness this month and join the Breast Cancer Awareness ...
How to choose the best nursery for your child

In the Middle East, we are spoiled for choice when it comes to nurseries for our children - there is a variety of curriculums and languages offered, not to mention state of the art facilities and outstanding staff. So how do you know which nursery is best for you and your child? Here at Mumzworld, ...
5 Steps to Prepare for Back to School

Everyone is preparing for this back to school season. And we are all so excited to see our little ones go off to school again. Here are 5 tips and tricks to prepare for back to school in no time! Shop Back to School Now! Help your child have a great school year by following ...
Bestselling School Bags This Year

Your kid's backpack is their school year buddy! Choose one with a comfortable design, enough space, and equal load distribution, made from durable BPA free material, and one that's easy to use. Shop Back To School Now! SkipHop - Forget Me Not Backpack This backpack has a window that shows the lunch bag inside its ...