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Get your kids talking and ignite their imaginations!

Children are known to say the darndest things, so much so they even made a television show about it. They also ask a lot of questions, questions which can be amusing, terrifying, and often thought-provoking. The most important thing is to keep children curious, keep them asking questions and essentially keep them talking to you. ...
Autism – understanding the spectrum

The word Autism gets used a lot in today’s society, but do we really understand what it is? I think it is really important to be well informed and to have a clear understanding. There is a lot of talk these days about Autism however a lot of it is a stereotype or a generalisation, ...
Separation Anxiety, What You Need to Know

Separation anxiety is something that all children go through at some stage as they develop, it is normal, and it is a reflection on the close relationship you have with your child. It is something that as a teacher I see all the time! Whilst it is normal for a child to experience separation anxiety ...
Using Your ‘Magic Words’ – AKA Manners

I am sure you have come across someone asking a child for the ‘magic word’ or as we adults call it, please or thank you. However, these basic manners aren’t magic, and by referring to them as ‘magic words’ children are associating that when saying them, they will magically work get what they want. Please, ...
Why you should be proud of stubborn kids

Strong-willed kids can be very difficult to handle. However, somewhere down the line, that very quality can make them successful and you proud. It’s proven. Let’s consider the subject more deeply. Be proud your kid is not blindly following the paths of others. Be happy he speaks his mind. Cherish the fact that he has […]

The Importance Of Making Eye Contact With Your Children

Fact: You are connected through the most powerful line of connection that has no basis in technology.  Recently, students applying to universities were caught off-guard when their application got rejected. Despite having the highest grades and doing all the necessary community work, leadership training and achieving several other impressive accomplishments, they were dumbfounded when they […]

How to Explain the Everyday to a Child with Autism

One major deficit that children on the autism spectrum have is the ability to learn by observing the behavior of others around them. Observational learning is learning that occurs through observing the behavior of others, imitation of others, memorizing others reactions to specific environmental cues, and in turn performing those skills later on during social ...