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Try These Science Experiments at Home with Your Kids

Every kid loves science experiments, especially when done at home. Not only are they fun and entertaining, but they are also educational and develop your little ones' senses. They also expand their horizons and urge them to think outside the box. Try these experiments at home and enjoy your time with your kids!  Reasons to ...
How to organize Lego toys at home

Have you ever stepped on a Lego brick? Did the pain rush through your whole body? Did a brick lodged into places it shouldn’t have? Trust us, we have all been there. While they are considered the best toys to get your child, the pain that accompanies them is just awful! So, here are a ...
Routines… Do You Need Them?

There is an age-old debate about the amount of structure and routine that children need as they grow and develop. However, there isn’t a best-fit structure for all families and the routines each family have need to be adaptable and flexible to the needs of their children. There are a few aspects of routine that ...
Child’s Play, Sans Gender

Gender neutral child's play in the early foundation years is a studied and rather trendy topic at present, with research showing that children subjected to gender expectations suffer huge implications on their future achievements. There are a number of reasons why the turn towards gender neutral play is becoming more and more popular. The obvious ...
Developing Motor Skills

We all know the importance of developing fine and gross motor skills in children at a young age. Having good motor control can not only be important for a child’s growth but it can also promote independence and aid in cognitive development. So as a parent, what can we do to help our little ones ...
Navigating Kids’ Play

If you research the topic of child’s play, the internet is a myriad of conflicting opinions. There are so many articles with differing viewpoints regarding the amount of involvement parents should have. Some experts tell us we need to play with our children all the time, to establish stronger connections and security. Others state we ...
Get your kids talking and ignite their imaginations!

Children are known to say the darndest things, so much so they even made a television show about it. They also ask a lot of questions, questions which can be amusing, terrifying, and often thought-provoking. The most important thing is to keep children curious, keep them asking questions and essentially keep them talking to you. ...
The Importance of Arts and Crafts for Kids

Academic institutions and families often put a lot of pressure on different fields. Such as literacy, numeracy and science. However they are forgetting a key area of development: creative science. In other words, arts and crafts. Why are Arts and Crafts so important? Keep on reading.  Arts and crafts are just as important for children ...
Autism – understanding the spectrum

The word Autism gets used a lot in today’s society, but do we really understand what it is? I think it is really important to be well informed and to have a clear understanding. There is a lot of talk these days about Autism however a lot of it is a stereotype or a generalisation, ...
Routines and tricks when introducing solid food

Starting to introduce solid food is exciting and is an excellent opportunity to set up some positive mealtime routines. Mealtimes can be so much more than just eating; they are a time for communication, social skills and learning. It is important to set up routines and positive connections around mealtimes from the beginning, these tips […]