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10 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher Before This Year Ends

10 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher Before This Year Ends

As the academic year comes to an end, it’s time to start getting a summary from this year’s teacher about your child. Ask them these ten questions to get a good overall summary.

1. What strengths has my child developed this year?
2. Is my child kind and caring?
3. Does my child have a good mixture of friends and social skills?
4. What activities has my child really engaged in and enjoyed?
5. What approach to learning does my child take?
6. What’s the biggest challenge for my child?
7. What has my child been successful with this year?
8. Is there anything you would like us to work on in the home environment?
9. How can I support my child as they move into a new grade?
10. Is my child happy?

I think the last question is the most crucial; happy children are children who are open to learning and ready to have positive experiences at school (academically, socially and physically). At the end of the day, academics and goals are important, but your child’s wellbeing and happiness should always be the top priority for your child’s teacher and for you.