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Burnout at work, is it a real thing?

Burnout at work, is it a real thing?

Weekend blues, we all get them right? Feeling like the weekend went by way too fast, and you’re not quite ready for another week at the office. But feeling an overwhelming wave of anxiety at the prospect of going back to work is another thing entirely. So what is Burnout exactly?

Burnout is a prolonged state of physical, mental and emotional fatigue and affects millions of people worldwide. It’s often brushed off as just work stress or exhaustion but it’s so much more than that. Read on to find out if you could be experiencing burnout, and how to avoid it.

How to tell the difference between Stress & Burnout:

Burnout and stress are very similar and can easily be confused, but there is one very important distinction.

Stress is short-term, and is usually brought on by a specific event or situation and burnout is long-term, the cause of which is difficult to pinpoint.

Here are some classic signs of Burnout:

  • Feeling out of sorts and you can’t figure out why
  • Easily irritated and snappy
  • Demotivation
  • Feeling like you can’t get anything done
  • Absent minded
  • Having an overall negative view of your job or your work

What are some causes of Burnout and how can I avoid it?

Burnout can be caused by both internal factors like your mindset and external factors like your work environment. We’ve listed down a few common factors that could lead to or amplify burnout.

  1. A lack of independence.
  2. Feeling like you have little room for creativity or autonomy at work is a big cause of demotivation. Some people need to be micromanaged, others don’t do well with it and might start to feel like they can’t be trusted to do the work independently.
  1. Lack of team spirit. Either you don’t feel like you’re part of the team, or there is no team spirit in the office can also cause stress. It’s important to have colleagues that you can rely on for help and support.
  1. Excessive Workload. Taking on too much, more than you can handle, is a big stressor. Remember to manage both your expectations and your boss’. Don’t bite off more than you can chew!
  1. Not feeling challenged enough. Alternatively, if you feel like you can and want to do more and you’re not getting enough out of your job that can also lead to demotivation. Some people thrive under pressure and work best when they’re being challenged.

What can I do to address Burnout?

If any of the above applies to you then it’s time to take action. Burnout can be dangerous to your mental health and will most definitely spill into your personal life.

You need to try to pinpoint your works stressors and work around them. Is it the company culture or the team? Is it your workload or the type of work you’re doing? No matter what the cause is, it’s important to talk to your manager and be honest.

More importantly, you absolutely need to focus on your life outside of your job. Work is not everything and eventually acting like it is will lead to burnout. So switch off and take the time to do the things you love with the people you love, it’ll do wonders to de-stress and motivate you.