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What to do When the Dreaded ‘Tantrum’ strikes

Nobody likes being in a situation with their child that becomes so overwhelming that it turns into a tantrum, especially in a public place; but there are things you can do to minimise and defuse the tantrum and to support your child, no matter where you are. The first important note about tantrums and dealing ...
Understanding the Value of Play

The definition of play differs greatly depending on who you talk to. As a passionate educator I see it as a way of learning, growing and exploring. It is also an invaluable part of childhood and the most effective method of learning for children (even in the first years of primary school).   Read Hey ...
Instead of “Don’t Cry” Why Not Try…

Feelings are an essential part of everyday life when a child is upset and hears “don’t cry” from an adult, it translates into ‘it is not okay to feel’ in a child’s mind, even when the tears are caused by something trivial or something that you deem to be unnecessary. Children need to know that ...
10 Best Films to Watch with Your Toddlers

Watching television with children is not as bad as parents would think if it is done right. If you watch selected films and shows in moderation, it can actually be very good for your kids. And many parents ask "what films to watch with my toddler?". We have the answers here!  1. Curious George Running ...
The Toys that Everyone Should Have at Home

There are a few basic things that should be in every house. One of those things are toys that are open-ended, flexible and able to adapt as children grow and learn. All of these suggested toys have an educational benefit or will help your child to develop specific skills needed for later life. Favorite toys ...
Parenting, Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Have you ever been so overwhelmed in day to day life that sometimes you find your kids are speaking to you and you are not really tuned in? Don't worry; it happens to the best of us. Active listening means you focus on what is being said without thinking about how you're going to respond. ...
How to Navigate Bedtime Stalling

There are several nap transitions during toddlerhood: your toddler will transition from two naps to one at around 15-18 months. Naps will (sadly) come to an abrupt end sometime between three and four years of age, and your child is now - theoretically - ready to sleep through a whole night As the word ‘’theoretically’’ ...
Playdates …. A Mother’s Private Anguish

I envy those mothers who effortlessly invite a houseful of children over to play. Their house always seems to be a series of kids coming and going, and they never seem fazed by minding other people’s children for hours on end. Secretly, I don’t enjoy having other children in my house, and I find myself ...