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Tips to Encourage Language Development in Children

Talking, expressing oneself and understanding others are significant milestones and skills in a young child’s life. But not all infants learn at the same pace and some children talk much sooner or later than others. As parents, the key is for us to create various opportunities for our children to develop language and reach that […]

Language Development in Children

All You Need To know How does language develop? One of the most common questions that worries mothers a whole lot is that of speech and language development. The most recurrent questions I get are “is this normal, is my child delayed or not and should I be worried”. The stages of developing speech and ...
Establishing Eye Contact with children

Communication is a major pillar of healthy and successful parenting. You can communicate with your child, even before he or she start talking and can successfully perceive your words. You can communicate with your little one just by looking at them and establish positive eye contact. Eye contact is an essential part of communication and ...
What Is Auditory Processing Disorder?

Over the past years, there has been an increase in the awareness of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), especially at schools. Many children have thus been misdiagnosed with APD due to many misconceptions and misinformation. What is Auditory Processing Disorder? Auditory Processing Disorder is the process in which the brain uses information that the ears have ...
Preschool at Nursery vs School, which is better?

Your child is finally settled at nursery. They make friends, they are happy and confident to come to nursery, they are learning and developing wonderfully at nursery. Then they get a bit older, and your mind turns to big school. Questions about keeping your preschool child in nursery for FS1 (pre-K) or enrolling them in ...
Why you should be proud of stubborn kids

Strong-willed kids can be very difficult to handle. However, somewhere down the line, that very quality can make them successful and you proud. It’s proven. Let’s consider the subject more deeply. Be proud your kid is not blindly following the paths of others. Be happy he speaks his mind. Cherish the fact that he has […]

10 Parenting Tricks That Make Life Easy

Parenting chores can drain your energy completely. Busy moms need every help they can get. We hope to provide some respite with these practical everyday tricks. As a parent, at some point in time you must have wished you were superhuman. Let's face it, kids are an around-the-clock challenge. You have to constantly be on ...
10 Fun Ideas To Keep Your Toddler Busy And Happy

If you are a parent, you would agree that toddlers are a bundle of energy. They are almost like  wind-up toys, except you sometimes wish they had a ‘Stop’ button that could give you a much-needed break. Hah! Let’s face it. We get worn down and simply don’t have the stamina to cope up with […]

The Importance Of Making Eye Contact With Your Children

Fact: You are connected through the most powerful line of connection that has no basis in technology.  Recently, students applying to universities were caught off-guard when their application got rejected. Despite having the highest grades and doing all the necessary community work, leadership training and achieving several other impressive accomplishments, they were dumbfounded when they […]