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How to Care for Your Mental Health Post Pandemic?

How to Care for Your Mental Health Post Pandemic?

An ongoing global pandemic resulting in unprecedented lockdowns worldwide can and probably will take a toll on your mental health. Even after it is over. Especially for mums who carry the overwhelming burden of worrying not only over their own safety but more importantly over the safety of the family. So, it’s absolutely crucial during these times to care for your mental health in order for you to stay strong. Follow our 5-step guideline below!

Five ways to take care of your mental health


1| Acknowledge your anxiety

Admitting and coping with the stress face on, will make you stronger in the long run. Pretending it’s not there, and avoiding it will only exacerbate and increase its effect on you and ultimately your family. So, acknowledge your anxiety and know that not only is it completely normal, but also expected.

2| Stay informed

Make sure you’re well informed and up to date on all the relevant information. We suggest avoiding the daily statistics of cases and covid-19 related deaths as that may cause you further stress. But, getting facts from a healthcare provider or credible source about the virus might allay any unnecessary fears you might have. One of the biggest stressors for a lot of people was the spread of false information.

3| Meditate

Meditation can work wonders on your mental health. It’s time you take away

from any stressors to just focus on your self and be a lone with your thoughts. Try breathing exercises to help calm anxiety. We have numerous articles on the benefits on meditation.

4| Distract Yourself

Instead of spending your days locked in, worrying about any physical contact, distract yourself. There are so many apps out there and networking platforms where you can connect with friends if you’re unwilling to meet up with anyone. Or you unwind by doing the things you love, like binge watching your favorite show.

5| Talk to someone

Anytime you’re feeling overwhelmed it’s important to voice those feelings to someone you trust, like your husband, a family member or even a professional. Talk about your feelings instead of bottling them up, and remember, you’re not going through this a lone. We’re all in this together.