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6 Easy Hacks to Organise Your Kid’s Room

6 Easy Hacks to Organise Your Kid’s Room

Have you spent long hours organising your kid’s room only to see it in complete disarray a couple of weeks later? If your kid’s room is also their playroom, then it is bound to need regular cleaning and decluttering. To make this an easy, fun process we’ve compiled some simple tricks to organise your children’s room.

Check out the following tried and tested hacks put together by ServiceMarket, the UAE’s leading marketplace for home services.

Hack 1# Make sure the cabinets are big enough 

There is bound to be clutter in your kid’s room if you don’t have enough space for everything in the cabinets. In addition to ensuring there’s plenty of room in the cabinets to fit everything, you should also pick one with many different compartments. Doing so will make it easier for you to organise and find items. For example, you can dedicate a section for each type of clothing. If your cupboard doesn’t have enough compartments and you’re looking for a quick fix, consider buying some boxes or baskets that you can use to separate their belongings.

Kid's room

Hack 2# Put away all off-season clothes

Keeping winter and summer clothes together only makes your wardrobe more crowded. What’s more, you’re likely to have to fumble through dozens of items before finding the right one. To make your life easier and more organised, sort out the off-season clothes and store them separately for later use. Trust us, you’re definitely not going to need your child’s winter jacket in Dubai’s summer heat.

Hack 3# Sort out old clothes and shoes

Keep an eye on clothes and shoes that your kid has outgrown. Many of us have a habit of hoarding clothes and other items that we no longer use. But this habit only causes more clutter and wastes storage space. If your kid doesn’t have any younger siblings who might reuse the clothes and shoes, then consider donating them to make room for new items.

Kid's room

Hack 4# Look for toy storage solutions

If you’re tired of tripping on toys and picking them up from the floor every night, consider getting a toy storage rack. Even a simple toy storage unit with multiple bins can make it very easy for you to organise toys. Keep a separate compartment for each type of toy. Your kids might even enjoy organising and displaying toys on their colourful toy rack.

Hack 5# Create a schedule and checklist

It’s always a good idea to create a schedule and checklist to tackle any challenging task. Instead of trying to find a day when you are free to organise their whole room, split it up into smaller tasks. That way you can tackle it gradually. Once you have organised the room, make sure to set aside twenty minutes at the end of each day to put things back into the right place so that you keep on top of everything. If you’re short on time, consider booking a regular cleaning service in Dubai to do a more thorough cleaning of their room at least once a week. Keeping their room clean will help them to stay healthy.

Hack 6# Involve your kids

You can make organising the room a fun activity – yes, it really is possible! A lot of kids enjoy organising the toys and displaying them on their toy rack, but you can also encourage them to help you with organising the room by offering awards. You could give them stickers for making their bed, putting their toys away, etc. Give them a treat whenever they accumulate 7 stickers.

Remember, keeping your kid’s room clean is as important as organising it, if not more. So be sure to book a professional cleaning service in Dubai regularly!