Opting for an elective C-section allows you to have more time to think and prepare what you will need to pack in your hospital bag. Most mums choose to schedule a C-section for both personal and medical reasons.
In 2009, four weeks before my due date, I felt like the head of my baby was up. True enough when I visited my Obstetrician, she confirmed that as I had expected, he was in breech position. Right there and then, we scheduled my surgery since according to my physician, the possibility of him turning around was extremely minimal.
Instead of being worried and stressed with the news, I thought to myself, the best thing I can do is to ensure I make myself as prepared as I can be – and one of the things I focused on was what to pack in my hospital bag.
Being prepared can make all the difference to ensuring your pre and post delivery experience is as smooth as possible.
Below are my top items to pack:
For mother:
- – A favorite pillow: Or my “comfort” pillow
- – Socks and Cozy Blanket – hospitals are known to be notoriously cold
- – A Compression binder – this can help to support the stomach muscles after surgery. These are also great to wear in the weeks following, though you may want to check this with your Physician!
- – Several disposable underwear (Vaginal bleeding is expected even after an elective C-section and disposable underwear means less fuss and more time to concentrate on your new little person).
- – Slippers/flip flops – something easy to get on and off your feet.
- – Mobile phone – you’re going to want to take lots of photos and send them to your loved ones back home
- – Toiletries (the usual – wash goods, toothbrush, hair brush etc)
- – Loose long dresses
- – A bathrobe
- – Towels
- – A going home outfit. I’d recommend loose drawstring pants, a maternity bra, underwear and a loose shirt.
- – Of course, don’t forget all your paperwork. Photo ID, insurance card, medical papers/ antenatal reports etc. I ensured I filed everything neatly in a clear folder to ensure everything was kept together and organized.
- – Other things you may wish to pack include; books, photographs of loved ones, magazines; portable devises (not forgetting their chargers/ power banks).
For your baby:
- – Receiving blankets
- – Baby clothing sets for the duration of the hospital stay. I brought stretchy onesies with snaps in front for easy diaper changes.
- – A going home outfit. A onesie and if his/her feet are exposed, be sure to bring a pair of socks or soft booties. I’d also recommend a soft hat. As babies can really feel the cold in their first few days.
- – A baby carrier. I’d recommend one which also serves as a car seat for the journey home.

Myleen R. Camama
Admin & Marketing Manager
Myleen works as the Admin & Marteking Manager for Feto Maternal and Genetyx Center. She has worked for the clinic 11 years and is a Mother herself. Below Myleen shares her tips on what to pack in a hospital bag when having an elective C-section…