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Dark circles Under Infant eyes

Anonymous posted in Parenting 3 years ago
3 years ago

My baby boy is now 11 months and he has dark circles under his eyes. He had this since he was young. I have noticed the dark circles under his eyes for more than 4 months now. can you please tell me know the reason for these dark circles? it is always there.


Dark Circles under the eyes in infants could either be a familial tendency that runs in the family and the only other common cause that we come across is lack of sleep. And if you're baby is sleeping really well, then please make sure you check his iron stores and hemoglobin, cause anemia can lead to dark circles under the eyes along with pallor in the nails and in the eye itself. Get him to your pediatrician so his iron levels and hemoglobin can be checked and if his sleep is normal there is nothing to worry about. Follow me on Instagram for more information & tips. @dr.arif.khan

Dr. Arif Khan Consultant Pediatric Neurologist
3 years ago

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