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My child not listening/ cannot understand

Anonymous posted in Parenting 4 years ago
4 years ago

I have a 2 yrs 2 months old daughter, im not sure if she understands us whenever we talk to her or ask tell her to do something. She doesn’t look when you call her by name. Seems to talk non-understandable words. She is always playing and constantly on the move in our house. She doesn’t call me or my husband mama or papa. At night she wakes up im not sure if it bec of a dream, she will start crying and having tantrums, and screaming. It will be very difficult to calm her and put her back to sleep.


For a 2 year 2-month-old, child one expects, that they start pointing out at objects, respond to their names by turning to the one calling them. To have social skills and start saying 3-word sentences. If your child is not achieving this or you have concerns about your child's social skills and pointing and not responding to names. It's best to get checked by a neurodevelopmental pediatrician or a pediatric neurologist. If you would like to bring your kid to Neuropedia- Neuroscience Center - Give us a call on 04 343 1113 I shall be more than happy to make physical consultation and an assessment for your child.

Dr. Arif Khan Consultant Pediatric Neurologist
4 years ago

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