When should I worry about Tiptoe walking?
my toddler is one year and 9 months old and he walks on tiptoe, is this a serious health problem?
There are a few reasons why a toddler will walk on their tiptoes. None are life-threatening but developmentally should be checked out. The first is that your toddler may be suffering from ear infections or glue ear and not getting adequate feedback for balance from the vestibular system. I would ask your doctor to check for this. Your toddler may require grommets if this is the case. Alternately and more likely is that your toddler has a sensory processing issue. This may involve the vestibular-proprioceptive system – causing your little one to walk in a way that increases feedback to the brain OR because your little one is tactile defensive and trying to avoid tactile feedback from the soles of his feed. For these two issues, I would ask an Occupational Therapist who specialized in sensory integration to examine him. If you are in Dubai I would look up Wilson Centre and they can possibly assist.