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6 Easy Hacks to Organise Your Kid’s Room

Have you spent long hours organising your kid’s room only to see it in complete disarray a couple of weeks later? If your kid’s room is also their playroom, then it is bound to need regular cleaning and decluttering. To make this an easy, fun process we’ve compiled some simple tricks to organise your children’s room. […]

Social Media and Kids: The Reality of Virtual Reality

It can all get too much sometimes. Especially when your seven-year-old turns to you one day and asks for a phone! Not just any phone, a very specific model of a very specific brand. These kids know their stuff. If not a phone, then some other gadget or device where they will have access to ...
Today In Pop Culture: Keeping Up With The Kids!

Do you sometimes listen to your kids talking with each other or their friends, mentioning strange phrases and talking about things and people you have never heard of? Have you ever felt just a little uncool for not knowing what is ‘cool’ these days? (Apparently, the word “cool’ is not really cool anymore!). Here is ...
Keep Calm, Stop Shouting, And Read This Post

Do you feel that you are always shouting at your kids? Worse, do you feel you are always shouting about the same things over and over and end up feeling guilty? Every mum reaches a point in her life. And usually in mid-shout. When she realises that she has repeated the very same words over ...
Peer Pressure: Raising Confident Kids to not Bow to It

While parents can blame technology and social media platforms for a lot of modern day aggravations. They cannot blame peer pressure on them. It is one thing that has not changed in the past few centuries. And teaching your kids to not bow down to peer pressure has and remains a challenge for a lot ...
Is it Normal that my Kids Argue All the Time?

In most families in one word – yes. Most children argue. And it can get so bad that we as mums start wondering if that is even normal! As your children get older, you might one day suddenly realize that they are arguing. It will seem to you, as if they do so the whole ...
Mumzworld’s Top Tips for Parenting your Step Child

"Blending a family is like a dish that takes a long time to cook". Says Molly Barrow, PhD, author of How to Survive Step Parenting. "You can't force it before it's ready", Hollywood has portrayed parenting a step child in its best-case scenario. In The Sound Of Music, we all wished we were one of ...
Do You Think your Kids are Sleeping Enough?

Sleeping should be as high a priority as food for kids. But do you think your kids are sleeping enough? How can you know for sure that they had enough sleep?  Sometimes, we find yourselves overlooking the fact that our kids might not be sleeping as early as they should be. Especially as they get ...