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Foods to Avoid While Pregnant

Food to avoid while pregnant Pregnancy is one of the most challenging and sensitive periods in a woman’s life. Needless to say, nutrition is a crucial part of growing a human being and thus expecting mothers need to pay attention to what they eat, but even more importantly recognize which foods to avoid.  As many […]

True or False? Six Common Pregnancy Myths Exposed!

Don’t rub your pregnant belly – your baby will be demanding and spoilt!! When you’re pregnant, you tend to get a lot of advice from well-meaning people. Unfortunately, a lot of these are outdated myths, and quite frankly, a little bit ridiculous! Let’s check out a few of the most common ones: 1. Certain foods ...
Fasting During Pregnancy & Breast Feeding: The Safe Route

Muslims traditionally fast during Ramadan, whilst Christians may fast for Lent. For pregnant women and breastfeeding mums however, it is important to know whether your health - and the health of your baby - is at stake. Is fasting during pregnancy safe? What about when you're breastfeeding? Can you fast during pregnancy? All the answers ...
“OMG—When I gave birth, I……”

Stop right there, whoever you are. Telling a pregnant woman—especially a first timer that you had issues with your epidural and felt more of the labour than initially intended is definitely not a welcome topic of conversation. First-time mums to be are already terrified of what will happen next, so details of how excruciatingly long ...
Tiredness in pregnancy

The hormonal changes sweeping through your body when you're pregnant can result in extreme tiredness during the first and third trimesters (morning sickness and looking after older children you may have won't help either). Tiredness doesn't harm your baby, but you will want to try and get as much rest as you can. Why am I ...
My Hyperemesis Gravidarum Story

I promised myself to write this article about my pregnancy as soon as I got my strength back, only to keep postponing it. I told myself it was because I was too busy with my new baby girl but that wasn’t it. I realized that I was postponing out of fear…. fear that writing this ...
Should I exercise during pregnancy?

You are pregnant! Wonderful news, congratulations! But are you asking yourself: "Should I exercise during pregnancy?" Now you suffer from nausea, your hormones went crazy and you gained weight, which is not so wonderful. Together with other symptoms, your body starts changing and you may desperately wonder: "will I ever have my pre-pregnancy body back? ...