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Unleash Your Little Artist:10 Art Experiences!

Here are 10 ideas to unleash your little artist's skills and creativity.  1. Magic wax painting – first get your child to use a plain candle to draw a picture on white paper, once finished let them paint over it using water colour paint. Their drawing will magically appear! Buy Now 2. Swap finger painting ...
How to Survive Journeys with Kids

Travelling with children can be a hard slog. Yes, it'll all be worth it once you get there. But it might not feel like that when, a mere 40 minutes into the trip, you've got an inconsolable four-year-old, and only one wet wipe and half a packet of cheese and onion crisps left. Such incidents ...
What to do When the Dreaded ‘Tantrum’ strikes

Nobody likes being in a situation with their child that becomes so overwhelming that it turns into a tantrum, especially in a public place; but there are things you can do to minimise and defuse the tantrum and to support your child, no matter where you are. The first important note about tantrums and dealing ...
The Toys that Everyone Should Have at Home

There are a few basic things that should be in every house. One of those things are toys that are open-ended, flexible and able to adapt as children grow and learn. All of these suggested toys have an educational benefit or will help your child to develop specific skills needed for later life. Favorite toys ...
How to Navigate Bedtime Stalling

There are several nap transitions during toddlerhood: your toddler will transition from two naps to one at around 15-18 months. Naps will (sadly) come to an abrupt end sometime between three and four years of age, and your child is now - theoretically - ready to sleep through a whole night As the word ‘’theoretically’’ ...
How to Discipline Your Child

What is the best way to manage your child's behavior? Discipline isn’t just about giving children consequences. Instead, it ensures that children gain the skills required to become responsible adults. With appropriate discipline and boundaries, children learn to mange their emotions and make better choices. Most importantly, discipline should be used to keep them safe ...
Best Compact Travel Cot 2018

Littlelife Arc 2 Review Littlelife’s lightweight travel cot is predominantly aimed at campers, but we think anyone can take advantage of this handy little 2.5kg cot. LittleLife Arc 2 Travel Cot AED 892.50 VAT Inclusive Buy Now While many travel cots can push the 10kg mark and fold down into bulky items best kept in ...
Social Media and Kids: The Reality of Virtual Reality

It can all get too much sometimes. Especially when your seven-year-old turns to you one day and asks for a phone! Not just any phone, a very specific model of a very specific brand. These kids know their stuff. If not a phone, then some other gadget or device where they will have access to ...
What is Psychomotor Therapy? Most Mums Don’t Know!

Psychomotor therapy aims to support and aid an individual’s personal development. It is based on a global view of human beings that considers each individual as a unity of physical, emotional and cognitive actualities. Which interact with each other and the surrounding social environment. Psychomotor specialists study the body and its expressiveness. The body is regarded ...