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How to Deal with Your Toddler’s Jealousy?

When a newborn is in the house, the older siblings might feel less cared for. Those feelings can easily turn into jealousy. Here is everything you need to know about that and how to deal with your toddler's jealousy.  First of all, keep this in mind:  1| It is completely normal that your toddler's jealousy ...
Best High Chairs in 2022

Every mum goes on a shopping spree to prepare for her baby’s arrival. From cribs to clothing to swinging chairs and feeding gadgets. However, many mums forget about getting a high chair because the baby won’t be needing it in the first few months. That is why we prepared a full guide in buying high ...
Developing Motor Skills

We all know the importance of developing fine and gross motor skills in children at a young age. Having good motor control can not only be important for a child’s growth but it can also promote independence and aid in cognitive development. So as a parent, what can we do to help our little ones ...
Routines and tricks when introducing solid food

Starting to introduce solid food is exciting and is an excellent opportunity to set up some positive mealtime routines. Mealtimes can be so much more than just eating; they are a time for communication, social skills and learning. It is important to set up routines and positive connections around mealtimes from the beginning, these tips […]

Get a Head Start on Christmas Shopping this Mumz Friday

Christmas is right around the corner, and it is never early to start Christmas shopping. Starting early will make you that super organized mum that you always tell yourself you will be next year when you are running around trying to finish your Christmas shopping. To make things easier, we have got the best gifts ...
The Benefit of Music and Singing With Toddlers

Young children are constantly learning, they are playing with the way words work and the rhythm and patterns in speech. This can be encouraged and strengthened through music. Here are some of my favourite reasons for spending time singing with your child (even if you think your singing is reserved purely for the shower): It ...
Learn Social Skills Through Picture Stories & Books

Picture books provide a wonderful opportunity for learning and exploring concepts, especially to help children learn about social skills and build on their character strengths. By using picture books in this way, it takes the direct pressure off your child and helps them to see things from other perspectives. Here are my top books picks ...
Using Your ‘Magic Words’ – AKA Manners

I am sure you have come across someone asking a child for the ‘magic word’ or as we adults call it, please or thank you. However, these basic manners aren’t magic, and by referring to them as ‘magic words’ children are associating that when saying them, they will magically work get what they want. Please, ...