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Thumb Sucking: Why Does Your Toddler Have this Habit?

Thumb Sucking: Why Does Your Toddler Have this Habit?

Some children tend to suck their thumb, and many mums hate that. This is one of the habits that might come and go without any reason. But many mums agree that they hate this habit. And they are always looking for ways to get their children to stop it. Especially if they hear criticism from other family members or friends. We will help you help your baby to kick the habit of thumb sucking with a couple effortless tricks. 

First, why is my baby sucking on his thumb? 

Thumb Sucking is quite normal and common amongst babies, especially newborns. It is a natural and involuntary reflex that makes children feel cozy and safe. That is why most babies tend to do it right before they fall asleep. Many pediatricians and experts say that this is not something to be worried about. As it is quite normal and common. 

Does thumb sucking last for long? 

Usually, most babies stop sucking their thumbs without the need for parents to intervene. They just stop by themselves. In addition, they usually stop around six or seven months old. On the other hand, other babies kick the habit by the age of two or four years old. The timing depends on when the baby stops needing this habit to soothe him. 

Should I help my baby stop?

Thumb sucking is not something to worry about before teething. However, dentists say that it might have an effect on your baby’s jaw and teeth as he grows. And while most of them advise parents to help their babies stop sucking on their thumbs. Many other experts urge parents not to intervene before the age of five years old. 

The reason behind this advice is to avoid pressure or conflict with your baby. You don’t want to create tension between the both of you at such an early age. Furthermore, remember that your child uses this habit to relieve stress. And there are many things that can stress a little baby like being tired, sleepy, or meeting new people. So, it is very important not to make them even more stressed than they are. Instead, you need good and positive gestures to help your child stop sucking on his thumb. 

How to help your toddler stop thumb sucking? 

1| Have a conversation.

If your baby is a preschooler, try having a semi-adult conversation about this. Suggest other ways to help them feel comfortable. Like talking to you, asking for hugs when stressed, or coloring. Explain to your child that this habit can cause damage to their teeth. It can make them sick from entering viruses or germs. You can use imagery and referring to cartoon characters to help them understand better. You will be surprised how those conversations affect your child. 

Read on how to keep your children’s teeth strong and healthy.

2| Give your child good and enough attention.

Your child can use thumb sucking as a way to draw your attention. If you always pay attention to him when he has his thumb in his mouth, then he will notice. Rather than doing that, give your child enough attention when he is not sucking on his thumb. This way he will know that he has your attention without going for drastic measures. 

3| Use positive reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement and little rewards do wonders for little children. You can use a little chart or board with golden stars whenever your baby stops sucking his thumb. For example, tell them if they collect 10 golden stars, they will get a new toy or a yummy treat. Using a positive reinforcement method is very efficient to help children kick bad habits and take up good ones. 

4| Know the reason behind it. 

Keep an eye on your child, and try to understand the reasons behind why he is doing it. For instance, children might suck on their thumbs because they are very sleepy. If so, don’t let your child get that sleepy and set proper bedtimes, and stick to them. On the other hand, if he is doing that because he is afraid of something, you need to provide emotional support. Like a hug and a few sweet words. 

5| Use sweet and gentle reminders. 

Avoid scolding or screaming at your baby if you caught him sucking on his thumb. Also avoid roughly pulling his hand out of his mouth. To get through this, you need gentle and sweet gestures rather than rough ones. For example, tell your baby to show you a big smile, this will remind him to remove his hand, smiling and feeling supported by you. It will reduce any chances of stress or giving more reasons to stick to this habit. 

6| Avoid pressure or cruelty. 

Again, roughness or cruelty are very bad when it comes to helping your baby kick this habit. Some parents force their kids to wear gloves, others put creams to leave their kids with an unpleasant taste. Such actions leave your kid more stressed and scared. 

7| Keep reminding yourself, it is all temporary. 

Keep in mind: your child won’t go to college with his thumb in his mouth. This habit is one that eventually children grow out of. If it is something that is bothering you, we recommend a deep breath. Stay away from conflict or creating more stress. Thumb sucking is a temporary thing that will go away by itself eventually. 

Lastly, we urge you to handle such issues with love and compassion. Be the safety zone your child needs. And with this, such issues will be solved with a blink of an eye.