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To Discipline Or Not To Discipline?

We all make mistakes (adults included) and so it’s important to remember that great people and attributes are built over a lifetime, not overnight. Children do need boundaries and discipline does play a part in parenting but don’t forget that we all have a distance to go in becoming fine people.  To help your child ...
The Benefit of Music and Singing With Toddlers

Young children are constantly learning, they are playing with the way words work and the rhythm and patterns in speech. This can be encouraged and strengthened through music. Here are some of my favourite reasons for spending time singing with your child (even if you think your singing is reserved purely for the shower): It ...
Don’t Forget About Dad!

Children learn and grow primarily from their first teachers – their family. We often place a lot of this pressure on mums but it is important that we don’t forget about dad! While there are many single parent families, there is often a supplementary figure who plays the part of ‘mum’ or ‘dad’ for a ...
What to do When the Dreaded ‘Tantrum’ strikes

Nobody likes being in a situation with their child that becomes so overwhelming that it turns into a tantrum, especially in a public place; but there are things you can do to minimise and defuse the tantrum and to support your child, no matter where you are. The first important note about tantrums and dealing ...
Instead of “Don’t Cry” Why Not Try…

Feelings are an essential part of everyday life when a child is upset and hears “don’t cry” from an adult, it translates into ‘it is not okay to feel’ in a child’s mind, even when the tears are caused by something trivial or something that you deem to be unnecessary. Children need to know that ...
Parenting, Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Have you ever been so overwhelmed in day to day life that sometimes you find your kids are speaking to you and you are not really tuned in? Don't worry; it happens to the best of us. Active listening means you focus on what is being said without thinking about how you're going to respond. ...
Letting your child go out alone

Few issues in parenting bring such a broad range of views than the thorny question of how old your child needs to be before you let him or her out of your sight for the first time. And it's true: on the Talk boards, some Mumsnetters describe cheerfully waving off five and six year olds to play ...
When Young People Suffer Social Anxiety

“I don’t want to go to school!”   This is often a young person’s common complaint; however, when your child begins to protest this is possibly a symptom of a bigger problem — social anxiety.  Young people who are experiencing social anxiety often refuse to go to school and complain of physical symptoms shortly before it ...