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Reduce Stretch Marks Before Your Child’s Growth Spurt

Reduce Stretch Marks Before Your Child’s Growth Spurt

We hear stretch marks and our mind goes to Pregnancy and Postpartum but no. It’s not only your own stretch marks that you have to deal with, but also those that your kids can get. They’re cozy in their beds and dreaming away while their bodies grow and stretch. Growing pains can really be a pain, and stretch marks are part and parcel. 

Why do Stretch Marks happen?

Stretch marks come about when the skin is pulled by sudden rapid growth or stretching. Both girls and boys can get stretch marks especially on their outer thighs, bellies and buttocks, and sometimes the arms and back can also get affected as well. This usually happens during a growth spurt or a sudden weight gain, occurring during puberty – between 8 and 13 years of age.. The appearance of these marks can especially affect girls’ self-confidence during those sensitive tumultuous years of hormones and more hormones!

Do they go away for good?

Although the marks do fade over time, they are permanent. While there is no way to completely prevent them, there are ways you can decrease their appearance;

-Cut down on junk and eat healthy – to avoid the sudden weight gain that the teen body is susceptible to.

-Stay hydrated – helps the skin stay soft and supple.

-Regular exercise – helps control weight gain that they are susceptible to; stretching exercises also helps skin elasticity.

Moisturizing creams, lotions and oils – Keeping the skin moisturized helps avoid the marks as the skin is plumper softer. You can start moisturising as early as when they are babies after their showers. This is especially beneficial in the Gulf region as the almost constant use of air conditioners can have a very drying effect on the skin. Body scrubs are also very efficient. By exfoliating and removing the older layer of skin, and revealing a newer layer underneath, they will revitalize and refresh your body.

There are products specifically aimed at, or very effective at reducing their appearance. Some of the same ones you would think to use during pregnancy, can be used on your child. Here are a few of our favorites:

Remember these are not miracle, one-time use products. You won’t see results overnight, but only after daily and consistent use.

Helping your teens avoid stretch marks will help with their self-esteem and self-confidence. Get ahead of stretch marks and make their growing pains as painless as possible for you and them!