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The Perfect Study Aides to Help Your Child Succeed this Year!

The Perfect Study Aides to Help Your Child Succeed this Year!

Let’s face it, when you hear the word study you get that dreaded feeling of impending boredom, however in reality it can be super fun! 

I always encourage parents to think of study and study aides as other ways of interacting as a family and ways to learn through play; this is always more effective for primary school children (they actually learn more content, more easily). Study books are always great – in some circumstances and when completed in conjunction with other activities and people but there are a lot of other options too.

My favourite study aide is and will always be good quality children’s books. Picture books are a fantastic way for children to explore concepts and learn, it also helps to build vocabulary and an understanding of phonics (sounds) and should be part of your everyday life.

Below is a collection of teacher approved (and used and loved) ‘study aides’ that will help your child to learn at home, alongside you and the rest of the family.

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