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delayed milestone

Anonymous posted in Parenting 2 years ago
2 years ago

how can we treat my child with delayed milestone


If your child is not reaching their developmental milestones at a time that's typical for their age group, it's important to discuss your concerns with your pediatrician or an early childhood specialist. Depending on the areas of the developmental delay, different treatments may be appropriate. Speech and language therapists and occupational therapists are often the first professionals to offer early childhood intervention and parent coaching for developmental delays. Speech and language therapists can support you and your child concerning language acquisition, Speech, and functional communication as well as social and emotional skills. Occupational therapists can support you and your child concerning fine and gross motor skills, sensory integration, coordination, and functional daily skills. It is crucial to keep in mind the importance of early intervention when supporting children with developmental delays. substantial research evidence highlights that "earlier is better" due to the changes in the brain structure and functions in early childhood.

The Lighthouse Center mental health and wellness clinic
2 years ago

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