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How can I force my son to study?

Anonymous posted in Parenting 3 years ago
3 years ago

My 12 year olds son refuses to study. Every time we discuss school work he throws a major tantrum and refuses to do work. We are worried that unless he learns the discipline of hard work from now he will always be lazy and fall behind in school and then life’s What can we do? We’ve tried to bribe him with gifts, threaten him with consequences and downright force him. It’s a no win situation ? Your help please - stuck parents ?


Nothing good comes out of force. As parents, we may want our children to do well in all spheres of life. however, if we find ourselves feeling as though we need to ‘force’ them to engage in studies it may potentially lead to further avoidance, or in some cases, an aversion to learning and studying. Here are three tips that can help foster a more positive relationship with learning for your child: - Develop the right atmosphere: Learning styles vary from child to child. Some may prefer a quiet space with little to no distractions while others may perform better with some level of mild auditory or visual stimulation in the background. Use your best judgment and along with a discussion with your child, choose a learning style and space that works best for your child and in which your child feels the most at ease. - Study Time, Same time, every time: Children thrive when they have a consistent routine. Anything that is followed and done in a systematic manner always yields a positive outcome and the same goes for studies. Make a schedule and adhere to it. Predictability can alleviate stress and anxiety and consistency means that a healthy habit can be more readily developed. - Recognise and celebrate achievements: It is very important that you acknowledge and appreciate your child’s achievements, however small they may seem. This not only boosts their self-esteem, it reinforces the behavior you want to see more of (e.g, better engagement with homework), maintains motivation and helps to develop a positive attitude towards learning more generally.

Dr. Saliha Afridi Clinical Psychologist
3 years ago

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