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Why is Sensory Play Important For Your Kid?

Sensory play is any activity that stimulates young children’s senses. Know more about sensory play for preschoolers with Rachel O’Leary - Nursery Manager! Sensory play is any activity that stimulates young children’s senses. Children use their senses to enable them to explore the world around them, from touching to tasting, smelling, hearing and seeing, by ...
Social Media and Kids: The Reality of Virtual Reality

It can all get too much sometimes. Especially when your seven-year-old turns to you one day and asks for a phone! Not just any phone, a very specific model of a very specific brand. These kids know their stuff. If not a phone, then some other gadget or device where they will have access to ...
Peer Pressure: Raising Confident Kids to not Bow to It

While parents can blame technology and social media platforms for a lot of modern day aggravations. They cannot blame peer pressure on them. It is one thing that has not changed in the past few centuries. And teaching your kids to not bow down to peer pressure has and remains a challenge for a lot ...
What is Psychomotor Therapy? Most Mums Don’t Know!

Psychomotor therapy aims to support and aid an individual’s personal development. It is based on a global view of human beings that considers each individual as a unity of physical, emotional and cognitive actualities. Which interact with each other and the surrounding social environment. Psychomotor specialists study the body and its expressiveness. The body is regarded ...
Positive Language Development Impacts Your Toddler

The onset of verbal communication is a turning point for young children. Says Dubai’s Camali Clinic in advising parents to encourage positive language and effective communication at home. Language development in children is something that parents look forward to immensely. As this is the time when a little one’s individual personality and view of the ...
Is it Normal that my Kids Argue All the Time?

In most families in one word – yes. Most children argue. And it can get so bad that we as mums start wondering if that is even normal! As your children get older, you might one day suddenly realize that they are arguing. It will seem to you, as if they do so the whole ...
The battle of the Screen Time & How to Win it

Some parents are jumping with joy, while others are dreading the summer coming up. Two months of kids, kids and more kids. Yes, we love them and of course we love spending time with them – but it’s going to be a long summer, and while during the year it is somehow easier to control ...
The Ultimate Trampoline Buyer’s Guide

Having a trampoline in your backyard is one of the best fun things you can get for your kids. But how to buy the best trampoline for your home? We give you the ultimate buyer's guide to help you out! The Ultimate Trampoline Buyer's Guide Tired of the kids bouncing off the walls? Maybe they ...