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Introducing Solids – the Basics You Need to Know

When you start to think about introducing solid food to your baby for the first time, there are lots of things to consider and often lots of questions. It’s something that new parents are never quite sure about, so read on, get informed and equip yourself with the information that you need. When? - Babies ...
Teach your kids budgeting: Here is how to start!

Teaching your kids to budget is paramount to raising financially literate adults. Most adults who make the wisest financial decisions these days have attributed their sound choices to lessons they learned growing up. Therefore, an essential part of your kids' education is financial literacy. There is, in fact, no age limit to this as you ...
Six ways you can stimulate your kids’ imagination

Kids' imagination is more important than you might think. Kids with a healthy imagination often view the world around them with a vivid and engaging curiosity and grow up to be creative problem-solvers who find success in their lives. Help to stimulate your child's imagination with these six ideas below: 1. Give them options and ...
10 Tips to Overcome Back to School Anxiety

Anxiety on the first day of school is normal. However, there are lots of things you can do to help your child through the first day (or weeks) of school and make it as happy and smooth as possible. So how can we help our children overcome back to school anxiety? - Be mindful of ...
The Best Outdoor Games and Toys for Kids

As we start looking forward to the end of the hot summer months, we can start to get excited about the outdoor games, fun and activities to come. Playing outside is so important for the whole family, not only does fresh air and sunshine do wonders for your body but it also helps to develop ...
Why is Tummy Time important for babies?

Tummy time is crucial for all babies and an important step in babies developing the proper motor skills and muscle strength needed for crawling, moving and growing up. Why is tummy time important?  -  Develop back, neck and core strength -  Helps to prevent the flat head syndrome -  Babies explore movement in new ways ...
10 Tips to break the gender stereotypes!

The world is constantly shouting messages at children that ‘this is what girls do’ and ‘this is what boys do’. Whilst this is so common and seen in shopping centres, advertising, films and society; it doesn’t mean that it is okay or healthy for your child’s development.  Breaking gender-based stereotypes promotes equality in the skills ...
What to pack for Dads to be

The chances are that the mummies-to-be will have carefully researched and packed their hospital bag lightyears in advance of their due date. It's probably waiting in the hall three months before the big day. Your dads can't fall behind and need to be prepared too. So, we have created a little list to help you ...