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A parent’s guide: How to cope with a stubborn toddler

Every child is different and unique – just like adults. Children go through phases where their behaviour or mood changes; this is part of growing up. Having said that, sometimes it is challenging to have a stubborn toddler. Sometimes it’s just a bad day, sometimes it’s a bad week or month, and sometimes it’s a ...
Things to consider before getting a pet for your family.

There are many who go through life not giving having a pet, that is until we have children. Children have an incredible talent of mastering their own puppy-dog “please get me a puppy mum” eyes every time a stranger walks past with a four-legged friend. To be fair, there is a multitude of benefits that ...
Crib to big kid bed, here’s how to do it!

Could you have ever imagined your tiny bundle of joy not needing to sleep in a crib? Well, the time has come to move your baby - toddler, into a big kid bed. Yes we know, it's a big step both for you and for them, your little one is growing up! This adjustment often ...
How to Choose Books to Help Develop Your Child’s Reading Skills

Before your child can develop good reading skills, they first need to develop good speaking and communication skills. Speaking and conversation come before reading, so speak with your child, about everything and anything. Ensure they have lots of real-world exposure that builds their language knowledge (vocabulary) for example, visit a gallery and talk about the ...
Top 5 Family Games for Quality Family Bonding

When it comes to quality family time, it doesn’t get better than good old-fashioned afternoon family games. A long-loved tradition in my household, playing games with your kids can teach them a number of important lessons. What are the benefits of playing games with my kids? - They can finally put their devices away! - ...
How do I know if my toddler is ready for potty training?

Let us start with the fact that there is no medal for potty training your child. Like with almost everything child-related, toddlers will vary in when they are ready to be potty trained. Generally, between 18-24 months, they have the needed physical and cognitive skills to grasp the concept. However, some parents have found waiting ...
How to empower your Kids when faced with bullies

We all know how horrible it is to be on the receiving end of bullying, of any kind be it in the workplace or at school. This is not just another article about bullying; we all know that you need to educate your kids enough that they tell someone if they are being bullied, someone they ...