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Pregnancy Pain: What Might Be Causing It?

Pregnancy Pain: What Might Be Causing It?

During your pregnancy journey, you might experience all sorts of pain and discomfort. Some of them are common. You can easily tell what causes them or why you feel them. But some of them are not as common or easy to understand. For example, most pregnant mums experience pains, especially near the abdomen. Is it normal? Should this pregnancy worry you? And do you need to visit a doctor? We have all the answers here. 

What kind of pregnancy pains might you experience?

1| Contractions 

First of all, all mums experience contractions through their pregnancy. They usually happen during the first and second trimester. The reason behind it is that your uterus is getting bigger as does your baby. Normally, this will cause those waves of discomfort or slight pain, especially on the abdomen. Such pains should not worry you. In addition, they simply go away and you stop feeling them before you know it. 

2| Constipation 

Did you know that more than 38% of pregnant mums experience constipation during their pregnancy? Constipation happens because your body is going through major hormonal changes. And thus, it affects your digestion. Furthermore, most pregnancy vitamins and supplements have iron, which plays a role in this. 

Constipation can cause irritating pains, but your diet plays a big part in curing it. Make sure to eat plenty of fibers and stay hydrated. Make sure you ask your gynecologist for natural laxatives to ease your pains. 

3| Bloating and gas 

Another pregnancy pain you might experience is bloating and gas. During your pregnancy, progesterone hormone increases. And thus, your muscles, including your digestive muscles, become more relaxed. This leads to digestive irritation which causes indigestion, bloating, and gasses. That is one of the main reasons many mums feel pain, especially to their abdomen. 

4| Round ligament pain

This pregnancy pain is as common as the ones mentioned before it. This is an uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen, near the hips or into the groin area. Also, it happens as a result of the hormonal changes your body goes through. Especially the ones your body experiences during the first trimester and the second. 

5| Appendicitis

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. It causes pain and discomfort on the right side of your body. Symptoms commonly include right lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and decreased appetite. However, every case is different from the other, especially when you are pregnant. 

6| Urinary tract infection

UTIs are also very common during pregnancy. They are also a result of pregnancy hormones relaxing your muscles. For this, you need proper management and treatment. The best thing you can do is to stay hydrated. Other than that, it is best to consult your doctor for medication.

7| Eclampsia

Eclampsia is a severe pregnancy complication that can also include seizures. It is mostly characterized by high blood pressure and abnormal amounts of protein in the urine. There are a few symptoms to help you recognize it, but detecting them isn’t always easy. Eclampsia symptoms include severe and long lasting headaches, blurry vision, and abdominal pain. It is best to head directly to the ER if you feel such symptoms. 

Here are some more signs to keep eye out for Eclampsia: 

  • – Unusual spotting and bleeding. 
  • – Abnormal vaginal secretion.
  • – Unbearable pain. For some mums, it can be so severe that they cannot even walk. 
  • – Difficulties breathing. 
  • – Excessive vomiting 
  • – Not feeling the baby’s movements, especially the last two trimesters.

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