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Baby Movement and Kicking During Pregnancy

Baby Movement and Kicking During Pregnancy

Every pregnant mum asks this question: “when will I feel my baby move and kick?”. Pregnant mums look forward to their baby to start kicking. Because it is another way to feel they are pregnant besides morning sickness and tiredness. It is one of the most exciting moments in your pregnancy journey, and here is everything you need to know about baby movement and kicks during your pregnancy. 

First off, how does baby movement and kicking feel? 

Many pregnant mums describe their baby’s movement and kicking as belly butterflies. At the beginning, it might be hard to tell that what you are feeling is your baby kicking. So, do not raise your expectations especially at the early stages of your pregnancy. 

The actual movements and kicking starts by the end of your second trimester, or even the beginning of your third. Funny fact: some mums mistake their baby’s kicking with belly gas or feeling hungry.  

When do baby movements begin? 

Your little unborn baby begins to move around the 8th week of your pregnancy. Meaning the beginning of your second trimester. But you can see these movements only with an ultrasound. That is one of the many reasons why you should keep visiting and checking with your doctor. 

It is common between mums to feel their unborn babies kick for the first time after the 18th week of their pregnancy. Keep in mind that it can be hard to tell if this is your first child as you do not know what it is you are feeling exactly. Having said that, you can feel those movements and kicks as your baby grows in your belly. Mums during their second or third pregnancy say that they have felt their second or third baby’s kick way more than the first. 

Anyways, if you lay down and relax you probably can tell if what you are feeling is belly gas or it is your baby kicking.  

How often can you feel those little kicks? 

As we mentioned before, those kicks start as slight movements that you can barely feel. But as your baby grows in your belly, you will feel them more. By the end of your second trimester, your baby’s movements become stronger and more clear. You will be able to tell that’s your baby kicking by this time. Many studies show that by the beginning of the third trimester, unborn babies kick around 30 times per hour. Especially when you are laying down and relaxed. 

Another interesting piece of information is that babies kick the most when mums are relaxed. So you will probably feel most of your unborn baby’s movements and kicks when you are relaxed or about to go to sleep. Also, unborn babies react to sounds and touches as they grow. Fetuses can move more when you’re talking to them or when someone touches your belly. They also move around more when you eat spicy or sugary foods. Having said that, it does not mean that you should only eat those kinds of foods. 

Should I follow up my baby’s kicks and movements? 

Yes, you should. Most doctors recommend you doing so after the 28th week of your pregnancy. They recommend so to make sure your baby is growing well and healthy. 

How can I do that? 

You can simply keep a journal recording your baby’s movements. To count your fetus’s movements, pick the right time. For example, after you eat, which is when your fetus will be active and playful inside your belly. Make yourself comfortable, preferably when laying down on your side, and you will feel your baby kick. Laying down to your left side also helps your blood circulation. 

We recommend using Babymoov – Babydoppler Connect Cocoon Life which helps you listen and record your little one’s heartbeat. With Babymoov you can also record your baby’s heartbeat and send it to your friends and family through Facebook or Whatsapp.

What if I do not feel my baby kicking? 

Some doctors suggest recording unborn babies’ movements around 10 times for two hours after the 28th week of pregnancy. You can do so by the methods we mentioned previously. If the movements you counted are less, we recommend checking up with your doctor. 

However, you do not need to worry. Feeling less movements means your baby is asleep. Also, after the 32nd week, you might feel less movements as your baby is fully grown and there is not much space to move around and kick. 

You can also feel your baby’s kicks a little later during your pregnancy

Feeling baby movements and kicks can be different from one pregnant mum to another. It also can be different from one pregnancy to the next. So, you cannot entirely tell your baby is healthy and happy if you feel them a bit later or lighter. What matters is the number of those movements and kicks rather than how strongly you feel them. 

Also, keep in mind that feeling baby kicks later in your pregnancy can be because of miscounting your pregnancy weeks. Which is very common. Other things can cause that as well such as constipation.

Our final advice is to relax and keep all bad thoughts away. Stress can reflect on your unborn baby and its movements so avoid that as much as possible. Surround yourself with happy and positive thoughts to keep both you and your baby happy and healthy!