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Mumz guide to different Back to School models

This school year is brand new territory for all of us. It’s like no other year before. With Covid-19 still on the horizon, there’s a bit of confusion as to what the academic year will look like and parents may very well still be deciding on just how their kids will be going back. Is ...
Teachers Advice for a Smooth Back to School Season

In the Covid-19 era, going back to school won’t feel like it used to. Kids might already feel nervous going back after such a long break, entering a new grade, and meeting new friends. Throwing covid-19 safety measures into the mix certainly won’t help with any anxiety they might have. Families need to expect the ...
How to Get your Kids Ready for Back to School

Your kids have been out of the classroom environment for what feels like forever, especially with the homeschooling that went on during the pandemic. But now summer is almost over and school is just around the corner. If you’re planning on sending your kids back to school it might be time to start subtly getting ...
The Beauty of Reading With Your Toddler

There are few things more rewarding than seeing your child develop and learn new skills. Reading, and the love of books, when developed at a young age, can provide a child and later an adult with a world of enjoyment simply escaping into those pages, and starting young plays a vital role. Read our article ...
Routines… Do You Need Them?

There is an age-old debate about the amount of structure and routine that children need as they grow and develop. However, there isn’t a best-fit structure for all families and the routines each family have need to be adaptable and flexible to the needs of their children. There are a few aspects of routine that ...
How to talk to your kids about COVID-19

Schools, nurseries, beaches, parks and now shopping malls are closed. Parents are working from home, and everyone is talking about a virus. Even very young children can feel that something is going on. As coronavirus, which causes the COVID-19 illness, spreads it is affecting most aspects of our life. In these times, as parents, we might ...
Child’s Play, Sans Gender

Gender neutral child's play in the early foundation years is a studied and rather trendy topic at present, with research showing that children subjected to gender expectations suffer huge implications on their future achievements. There are a number of reasons why the turn towards gender neutral play is becoming more and more popular. The obvious ...
Top 3 Toy Brands for on The Go

We look at our top 3 toy brands that have come to our rescue and have created toys on the go, that are not messy, not dangerous, and are sure to curb the urge to whip out your phone. We all have those moments as a parent. You want to talk to your friend for ...
Developing Motor Skills

We all know the importance of developing fine and gross motor skills in children at a young age. Having good motor control can not only be important for a child’s growth but it can also promote independence and aid in cognitive development. So as a parent, what can we do to help our little ones ...