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How to Prepare Your Kids for a Family Reunion?

Family reunions are a joyous time for all of us. Especially if we live abroad or have family members that do. And while we as parents are super excited for this, our kids might not share our enthusiasm. If our kids, toddlers, preschoolers, or teenagers, never met our families, they might be stressed about this. ...
Longing For What Was

When I first became a mother, I was often told ‘the days are long, but the years are short’, yet it never registered till the years started to roll. That is when longing for what was started.  As the years passed, I started realizing the truth in the phrase I often heard. The years are ...
Best Electric Cars to Get for Your Little One

One of the best gifts you can get your little one is an electric car. Without a doubt, electric cars are some of the best modern toys have to offer. The fact that it looks like a real life car leaves a great impact on our kids. It contributes positively to their development, both mental ...
Use Chores to Build Up Your Kids’ Sense of Responsibility

Many mums agree that teaching children to clean their rooms is important. Not only does it build up their kids’ sense of responsibility, but it also makes their lives easier. Many experts agree that giving chores to children helps make them more confident and independent. But as a mum, how can I get my children ...
Celebrate Saudi National Day with These Exclusive Sales

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is celebrating its national day on September 23. Saudi Arabia celebrates all of its achievements and prosperity on this day annually. Those achievements are absolutely worth celebrating as they vary in many fields such as education, health care, and woman empowerment. Join us in celebrating this joyous day with Mumzworld ...
7 Ideas to Celebrate Eid at Your Home in Dubai

Eid is right around the corner, and we cannot be more excited. All the preparations, decorations, delicious tears, and brand new clothes are so exciting for both us mums and our children. Make this an unforgettable Eid and start planning to make it a memorable holiday that you and your kids will enjoy greatly. It ...
7 Eid Toys and Gifts for Your Little Ones to Enjoy

During every holiday, you need to get gifts for your little ones to enjoy. Whether it was Eid or any other holiday. Children these days prefer new toys and gifts to anything else! Buying your children gifts on special holidays puts a huge smile on their faces and it helps them appreciate those family holidays ...
Farm Animals Birthday Party? Here is How.

Most of our children grow up learning and loving farm animals. From cows to chickens, ducks and all of Old McDonald’s farm animals. Also, there are plenty of toys and stories that are farm animal themed. So, why not plan and host a farm animal birthday party? It is simple, fun, and we assure you ...