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Working Mother’s Guide to School’s Reopening and e-learning

Working Mother’s Guide to School’s Reopening and e-learning

With some schools opting for e-learning during the ongoing pandemic, working mothers are faced with quite a dilemma as companies reopen and employees prepare to return to their workplaces. How will I go back to work while my child has to be homeschooled? How are you expected to be two places at once? Your child can’t go back to school yet, but as an employee you’re expected to return to work. Don’t worry! We feel your frustration and have compiled the perfect mother’s guide to e-learning

1| Talk to your employers

Before anything, this is the first thing you should do as an employee. Talk to your manager and let them know of any concerns you have. Perhaps you can reach a compromise, maybe you can work from home some days, and others report to the office.

2| Enlist Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a family member or longtime family friend, perhaps a stay-at-home mom friends of yours who can help offer some guidance and direction

3| Study the Curriculum

Find out exactly what the academic program is going to look like. It’ll be much easier for you to monitor your child progress if you know the requirements and curriculum.

4| Buy the right Study Aids!

We have a range of products perfect for e-learning You’ll need to make sure your child is focused on their work. The best way to do this is to use the right tools that make education fun! This will ensure your child is enjoying learning and won’t need you standing over them!

5| Stay in touch with the teachers

Keep in contact with your kid’s teachers. Find out how your child is performing and what their strengths and weaknesses are. That way you can focus on the areas that need a little more attention when you’re able to.