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Changing Table Essentials that You Must Have

One of the most frustrating things for mothers with babies is not having everything where and when they need it.  Standing at a changing table with a dirty baby bottom, frantically searching for the wipes just should not happen! Having a changing table checklist will save you a lot of hassle and unnecessary frustration Here ...
Living in GCC? Protect Your Children From the Gulf’s Heat

It’s unmistakably here. Overnight, while we all slept comfortably in our beds, we woke up one day and realized that summer had descended quietly but surely to settle in for the next six months. While we are lucky enough to live in a region where air conditioning runs efficiently pretty much everywhere, protecting your child ...
Parabens and Sulfates in Personal Care Products

A few years ago in the world of personal care products, certain buzzwords started circulating in conversations. Especially between mumz. “Are you using paraben-free products?”. “Did you hear what they are saying about sulfates?”. And the questions went on and on. All of a sudden, mumz were taking a good look at their own as ...
Mumzworld’s Top Tips for Parenting your Step Child

"Blending a family is like a dish that takes a long time to cook". Says Molly Barrow, PhD, author of How to Survive Step Parenting. "You can't force it before it's ready", Hollywood has portrayed parenting a step child in its best-case scenario. In The Sound Of Music, we all wished we were one of ...
Slime: This Summer’s Big Great Thing

Slime is the thing of the moment – kids from ages 5 up to 13 love the slime. Lots of recipes have been flying around but we have managed to pin down a favourite! Slime comes in many forms, butter slime, bubble slime and slimy slime! This recipe is for fluffy slime! How To Create ...
Teach Your Kids the Value of Money Living in the GCC

Raising kids in the Gulf can sometimes prove to be tricky, especially when it comes to teaching them the value of money. In a land where most households have live-in help, and kids’ school, social and activity calendars rivals that of any high-ranking executive, there is not much in the way of chores for kids. ...
Fertility: What You Eat Can Be the Key to Having A Baby

It would appear that your diet and nutrition have pretty much everything to do with everything in your body. From headaches to insomnia to mood swings to fertility; food rules! Now this isn’t news to many of us. Mothers and grandmothers all over the world have hurtled across tables to stop daughters and daughters-in-law eating ...
A Letter to Every Mum-to-Be: You Got This!

Dear First Time Mum-to-be, You are nervous. We get it. You are probably trying not to think about it too much because you can get overwhelmed and feel like you are drowning. So, you put on a brave face and get on with the long list of things you have to get done before your ...
The battle of the Screen Time & How to Win it

Some parents are jumping with joy, while others are dreading the summer coming up. Two months of kids, kids and more kids. Yes, we love them and of course we love spending time with them – but it’s going to be a long summer, and while during the year it is somehow easier to control ...
Do You Think your Kids are Sleeping Enough?

Sleeping should be as high a priority as food for kids. But do you think your kids are sleeping enough? How can you know for sure that they had enough sleep?  Sometimes, we find yourselves overlooking the fact that our kids might not be sleeping as early as they should be. Especially as they get ...