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How can Lego toys benefit your child?

As mums, we go to all lengths to provide the best for our children. Whether it's food, care, or education, we make choices based on what benefits our children the most. Similarly, when it comes to skill and talent development, we also choose the best of the best. That is why Lego toys are the most ...
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Children might face mental challenges such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder and much more. Dr. Paul Gelston a child and adult psychologist, guided us through a live video session to fully understand what is ASD, the signs and symptoms, how it is diagnosed, the best methods to support children with ASD, and the role of ...
How to organize Lego toys at home

Have you ever stepped on a Lego brick? Did the pain rush through your whole body? Did a brick lodged into places it shouldn’t have? Trust us, we have all been there. While they are considered the best toys to get your child, the pain that accompanies them is just awful! So, here are a ...
Food And Drinks to Avoid During Pregnancy

The minute you find out that you’re pregnant, you become a mother. Although your baby is yet to be born, you are already caring for it and changing your lifestyle to accommodate it. You watch what and how much you eat and drink. You’re immediately more aware of what you’re putting in your body because ...
Pregnancy Vitamins that Every Pregnant Mum Needs

As mums, we tend to over care for our bodies during pregnancy in order to keep our unborn babies healthy and happy. And because of that, we go through every pregnancy vitamins and supplements to ensure that our bodies are perfect homes for our babies. So what pregnancy vitamins should you take, and from which ...
Secret Santa Ideas & Gifts for this Season

Everyone is doing a secret Santa this year. In workplaces, schools, and even classes for kids and adults. So, start planning your secret Santa and get the perfect gift for this holiday season, and here is how.  What is Secret Santa?  Secret Santa is a traditional Christmas game. Its basic rule is to get a ...
Resilience: How to Raise Children With Grit!

What is resilience? Why is it so important? What are elements of it? And what should I be teaching my children? All the answers are here. What is resilience? Resilience is our mental reservoir and power to recover from setbacks and negatively perceived experiences, both mentally and emotionally. It not only includes ‘bounce-back’ ability but ...
How to Take Care of Your Mental Health Over the Holidays

Just like that, the holidays are upon us. Christmas is literally just around the corner, and before you know it, we’ll be well into the New Year. While this is the season to be jolly. Unfortunately this holiday season doesn’t have us feeling merry enough. And that’s expected. With everything going on, it might be ...
Top 10 Christmas Gifts for Little Kids

Many new mums agree that buying gifts for their little ones is not an easy task. We totally understand how crazy the holiday season can be with all the decorations, gifts, and cooking. And that is why we arranged this guide including the best 2020 Christmas gifts for your children!  Visit Our Christmas Store 10 ...