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Postpartum Pain: Red Flags You Should Watch Out For

Postpartum Pain: Red Flags You Should Watch Out For

Having a baby is a big deal. During pregnancy, your body spends 40 weeks growing a little baby inside of it. Providing your little one with nourishment, oxygen, and protection. And giving birth is no easier. After that, comes postpartum, which is a challenging time for mums both physically and mentally. Postpartum pain is normal and very common. However, you need to watch out for certain red flags during this time. 

Irregular postpartum pain

If you experience one of the following postpartum pains, we recommend reaching out to your doctor: 


Contact your doctor immediately if you experience a fever. It could be a sign of infection. Therefore, it is important to know the cause in order to treat it well. 


Respiratory tract inflammation is one of the dangerous things new mums might experience during postpartum. So, if you feel breathless, it could be a sign of it. 

Unusual bleeding 

Bleeding is normal after giving birth. However, there is a line between normal and too much. If you feel that the bleeding is unusual. Which you can tell when you need to change your pads hourly or less. Then there might be a reason behind it. Like left over parts of the placenta inside your uterus. 

Flu like symptoms 

During postpartum, your immunity system is not at its strongest. Let your doctor know if you have flu-like symptoms to prescribe the right medicine or antibiotics. 

Nausea and vomiting 

These two are usually a sign of a viral infection. And they usually cause dehydration as well. Therefore, make sure to treat it right and stay hydrated. 

No bleeding 

Heavy bleeding is bad, but no bleeding at all is just as bad. If you experience zero bleeding after you give birth, then you need to check in with your doctor. 

Unusual pain 

Postpartum pain is common, but it is also bearable. And with the right meds, it fades away. However, if it is unbearable, and does not go away with meds or pain killer, then something is wrong. 

Unusual breast pain 

If you feel pain and experience redness in one or both of your breasts, then you need to see your doctor. This could mean you have a clogged milk duct. And if it is not treated, it can cause inflammation. 

Leg pain 

Feeling pain or heat in your legs is also worth checking out. This might indicate having clots. 

Urinary tract infection

If it burns, if it’s dark, or if you simply can’t go – these are all signs of an UTI. If so, you need to get checked and treated immediately. 

Severe headache

A headache is a common postpartum pain. The hormonal changes going through your body causes it. However, high blood pressure can be behind it as well. You need to get some blood tests to make sure. 

C-section aftermath 

If you notice unusual redness, inflammation, or something oozing out of your birth incision, then you need to call your doctor. This could be a sign of an infection and you need to treat it before it escalates. 

Belly bloating 

Belly bloating can be a sign that there are clots within your belly or uterus. And you need to treat this immediately. 

Blurred vision 

One of the symptoms of Eclampsia, which is a disorder of pregnancy characterized by seizures, is a blurred vision. 


Having PTSD after giving birth is very common, and usually ignored. Which is wrong. If you feel any symptoms of it, make sure to contact your doctor. This will help you recover faster, and it will help you care better for your baby. 

Why does postpartum pain happen? 

  • 1| A medical family history in cardiovascular illnesses. 
  • 2| When the mum is older than 40 years old. 
  • 3| Having gestational diabetes. 
  • 4| Having Eclampsia or high blood pressure during pregnancy. 
  • 5| Obesity. 
  • 6| Smoking
  • 7| Vaginal bleeding during the third trimester. 

If you have any of the previous, make sure to let your doctor know. This will help you having a better birth plan to protect both yourself and your baby. 

Can I avoid them? 

Yes, you can avoid postpartum pain and red flags by: 

Education yourself 

Ask your doctor about postpartum symptoms, what is normal, and what is not. Educate yourself about the causes and treatments. Educating yourself might help you avoid those red flags. But what is more sure, it will help you deal with them and recover quickly. 

Read more on what to avoid during postpartum.

Never missing a doctor’s appointment

It is very important – and we cannot stress that enough. Keep a regular schedule to check in with your doctor. Especially during the first 8 weeks after giving birth. Make all the tests your doctor requires to make sure you are healthy and recovering soon.

Protecting yourself 

Do not overwork yourself. And don’t over expect from your body. Make sure to get plenty of rest. And give yourself and your body as much time you need to recover. Your baby will need you in full strength, so don’t forget to care for yourself to care better for your little one.