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Overcome insomnia with these tips and tricks

As moms, we all had one of those long sleepless nights. We spend hours in bed tossing and turning with no chance of falling asleep. And by morning, we are exhausted and worn out and the day hasn't even started yet. A mum dealing with Insomnia makes it harder for her to deal with her ...
Bestselling Mums Books in the UAE

Part of learning how to be good mums is by reading books and educating ourselves. It prepares us for both expected and unexpected ones and gives us guidelines on how to handle being a parent. Here are the bestselling mums books in the UAE.  Bestselling Mum Books in the UAE  What to Expect When You're ...
How to Celebrate Book Day at Home

Book Day is near. And even though it is unknown whether our kids are going back to school, it does not mean we cannot celebrate it at home! Celebrate this joyful day with your little ones and turn it into a blast.  Why Celebrate Book Day?  Bookworms or not, we all have this one book ...
The Beauty of Reading With Your Toddler

There are few things more rewarding than seeing your child develop and learn new skills. Reading, and the love of books, when developed at a young age, can provide a child and later an adult with a world of enjoyment simply escaping into those pages, and starting young plays a vital role. Read our article ...
The Importance of Reading

Reading is a fantastic way to calm the mind and seeing as our little ones can at times be extremely active, it is particularly important to cultivate the early habit of reading. Sitting down with your children and their favorite books forces them to slow down and relax. Hugely beneficial for their cognitive development, reading ...
Classic Christmas Books to Share with Your Loved Ones

The decorations are hung, and the treats have been baked, and the presents wrapped – Christmas is well and truly underway. Amidst all the festivities, there is nothing more pleasant than curling up in bed or on the sofa with your little one and reading Christmas books. Here are a few of our favorite Christmas ...
Picture Books Teach Children Kindness

Children are exposed to so many different influences these days, media throws constant images at them, the lyrics of songs on the radio suggest certain themes and just the day to day world around them can highlight different characteristics, so what can you do to help show a bit more kindness to your child? These ...
How to Choose Books to Help Develop Your Child’s Reading Skills

Before your child can develop good reading skills, they first need to develop good speaking and communication skills. Speaking and conversation come before reading, so speak with your child, about everything and anything. Ensure they have lots of real-world exposure that builds their language knowledge (vocabulary) for example, visit a gallery and talk about the ...
Picking the perfect first books for your baby.

It's an exciting time when you welcome a baby into your family, there are so many decisions to be made and choices to make. I want to help make one area of those decisions easier for you, so you know that you are doing the best for your little one. One of these decisions is what ...
Learn Social Skills Through Picture Stories & Books

Picture books provide a wonderful opportunity for learning and exploring concepts, especially to help children learn about social skills and build on their character strengths. By using picture books in this way, it takes the direct pressure off your child and helps them to see things from other perspectives. Here are my top books picks ...