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Planning a Wildlife Birthday for Your Child

Most of our kids grow up loving wildlife and wild animals. They learn so from using those animals in their learning process. There are plenty of storybooks that feature elephants, giraffes and eagles that tell moral stories. Also, there are many movies that children love which stars lions, zoo animals, and sharks. So, if your ...
How to Prepare Your Kids for a Family Reunion?

Family reunions are a joyous time for all of us. Especially if we live abroad or have family members that do. And while we as parents are super excited for this, our kids might not share our enthusiasm. If our kids, toddlers, preschoolers, or teenagers, never met our families, they might be stressed about this. ...
Potty Training Mistakes Every Mum Should Avoid

Potty training is a challenging phase for both you and your little one. Every experience is completely different from the other. Some mums say that potty training their first child was easier than their second. So what went wrong? Here we highlight six potty training mistakes that mums should avoid. And while we believe you ...
Great Meal Ideas for Stubborn Picky Eaters

We all have that one child, sometimes more than, who is a stubborn picky eater. This child will not put anything in his or her mouth if they decided not to. And there is no way around this, once they make up their minds we, as mums, feel that we hit a dead end. To ...
Thumb Sucking: Why Does Your Toddler Have this Habit?

Some children tend to suck their thumb, and many mums hate that. This is one of the habits that might come and go without any reason. But many mums agree that they hate this habit. And they are always looking for ways to get their children to stop it. Especially if they hear criticism from ...
Longing For What Was

When I first became a mother, I was often told ‘the days are long, but the years are short’, yet it never registered till the years started to roll. That is when longing for what was started.  As the years passed, I started realizing the truth in the phrase I often heard. The years are ...
How to Discipline Kids: 4 Things Parents Must to Avoid

Every mum wants her morally disciplined children. But all parents know that disciplining kids is no piece of cake. Some parents avoid conflict with their kids, even if it means to leave them undisciplined. However, kids need guidelines and rules to be good and disciplined people. To help you create a balance between wanting to ...
What Can I Do When My Child is Having Night Terrors?

Night terrors are very common amongst kids from the age of 3 and up to 12 years old. Many parents are scared for their children when they have them. Here is everything you need to know about night terrors, why they happen, and what you can do when your child has one. What are night ...