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Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS): Does it Affect Getting Pregnant?

Women's bodies change a lot throughout their lives. The more we grow, the more changes our bodies go through. Most of these changes are mainly hormonal. PCOS, or Polycystic Ovaries, is a common thing women go through during their reproductive years. But what is it exactly? What are the symptoms and causes? And how does ...
Women’s Osteoporosis: All You Need to Know

As mums, we sometimes focus on our families and kids that we forget about our own health. Some diseases appear suddenly, but in truth they started before we even knew about them. Women's osteoporosis is one of those illnesses. And it affects mainly and directly your bone. Learn here everything about women's osteoporosis along with ...
Natural Ways to Improve Your Fertility

Mums who are trying to get pregnant always care extra for their bodies. That is to boost their fertility while they are ovulating. Leading an unhealthy lifestyle or doing unhealthy practices can affect your fertility. Therefore, we gathered up the top natural ways to boost and improve your fertility. And as a bonus, you will ...
School Habits Every Child Should Adapt

Returning to schools post pandemic was not easy. Every parent and child was concerned about staying safe and away from germs. And while we dropped some sanitizing habits we acquired during the pandemic. We believe we must hold on to some others, and even encourage our kids to do so too. Here, you learn what ...
Am I Really Tired or Am I Just Low on Iron

Out of a 804 sample of female Valeo users, a remarkable 165 were found to have iron deficiency. That’s 1 out of 5 women! And almost 90% of them took their test for the same reason: “I feel tired and have no energy almost all the time”. Iron is an essential component for the production ...
What is a Pap Smear & Why You Should Do It?

Sometimes, while visiting your gynecologist, your doctor will suggest getting a pap smear. And naturally you are going to wonder about what is that, and why would you need it. Will, not to worry as we will answer all your questions in this article.   What is a pap smear?  A pap smear test, or a ...
7 Reasons Why Moms Should Get Tested This New Year

Gone are the days of having a set of routine blood tests taken once a year at your annual checkup - that is if you actually show up! Regular tracking of your blood biomarkers is a far better way to understand and take control of your health. Here are 7 reasons why moms should get ...
Pregnancy Diabetes: Everything You Need to Know

When pregnant, many mums-to-be worried about the risks to their health. That is normal, because your health reflects your unborn baby’s health. Therefore, you must take good care of yourself and your body. One of the most common worries mums' faces are gestational diabetes. Would they get it? Will it affect their baby? And many ...
Magnesium Deficiency: 6 Signs You Should Not Overlook

Magnesium is a very important mineral in your body. It plays a role in more than 300 chemical interactions within the human body. If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, or mood swings more than usual without any plain explanation. Then you might be experiencing magnesium deficiency. Learn here the major signs for it and how ...
How to Boost Your Kids’ Immune System this Winter?

Our kids’ health and safety is a priority to us all. Every mum out there is constantly worried about her children’s health. As she is always thinking of ways to keep them safe from all diseases. Especially during this era where new diseases are surfacing like Covid and monkeypox. Therefore, we gathered tips to boost ...