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Tips to Help Your Kids Make Friends at School

School friends can be ones who would last a lifetime. They make school years pass easier. When our kids have friends, they won’t feel lonely. Having friends will make them feel safe and loved. They will also have someone who shares the same experiences as them. Which will make expressing their feelings easier. Because they ...
School Habits Every Child Should Adapt

Returning to schools post pandemic was not easy. Every parent and child was concerned about staying safe and away from germs. And while we dropped some sanitizing habits we acquired during the pandemic. We believe we must hold on to some others, and even encourage our kids to do so too. Here, you learn what ...
7 Tips to Help Your Kids Build a Strong Sibling Bond

Siblings usually have 2 speeds: they either are besties or rivals. Sometimes, your kids would get along perfectly for hours. Other times, they will fight and scream over anything. Experts suggest that this fighting is probably because of jealousy or competitiveness. Either way, it is completely normal for your kids to have a couple quarrels ...
Childrens Creativity: What Can Destroy It?

We all work hard on building up and fostering our children’s creative mindset. Sometimes, we focus on that so much that we forget what might destroy it. While certain things obviously have a negative impact on childrens creativity, others are less obvious. Learn here 10 things that can destroy your child’s creativity and make sure ...
How to Develop Your Child’s Social Skills?

These days, there is a huge focus from parents on their children's social skills. We live in times where those social skills are just as important as academic achievements. And sometimes, building good social relationships helps us be more successful. Therefore, all parents try hard to put more effort into developing their child’s social skills. ...
Help Kids Overcome Being Shy when Participating in Class

Some children are shy or scared of participating in class - and that is normal. There are many reasons behind their refusal to participate or interact with their teacher. Some kids prefer to sit silently and just listen, because to them that is safer. But that will not help them develop any skills as participating ...
Top 10 Books for Pioneers – Get Them Now!

Jump on #Booktok with us and expand your little ones’ library. If you are not sure which books to get your little boys or girls - do not stress. Here, we got the top 10 books for pioneers from the age of 8 years and older.  Best Books for Pioneers  1| The Butterfly Lion First ...
Doing Homework: How to Help Your Kids?

School is back, and homework drama is back with it. Many mums find it very challenging to help their kids in doing homework. They even consider that how her kids do their homework is an evaluation for her parenting style. Which is not completely true. So, if you are struggling with helping your kids doing ...
Helping with Homework: Is it Your Job, or Your Husband’s?

When going back to school, adding homework time to your daily routine becomes essential. Most schools assign homework to students at least once a week. And for that, our kids will need helping with homework. But sometimes we wonder, who should help kids with their homework? Mums or dads? Find out the answer here.  Is ...